12/17/2024 - VSO Now Offering Office Hours

Our Post VSO, Howard Whitehead, is now offering office hours at the Woodfird County Library Main Branch in downtown Verasilles on the 2nd floor in one of the study rooms.


This service starts on December 26, 2024.  He will be there from 1-5 pm the fourth Thursday of each month.


This is an opportunity to come and ask questions, discuss VA benefits and/or, or talk about other things you may need help with.


As always these services are confidential, open to ALL Veterans, and are completely free of charge.

11/15/2024 - Officer Changes

We have had a few Legion Officer Changes.  


Britney Mounts is now the 1st Vice, Howard Whitehead is now teh Financial Officer, and Nathan Lauderdale is handling the Adjutant duties.

10/19/2024 - Veteran Headstones Cleaning - Round 2

Another small crew of volunteers headed out to the American Legion Veterans section of Versailles Cemetery to continue the  cleanup of Veteran headstones.  It takes a good bit of work but it is way overdue and yields great results.. 


Another effort will be scheduled in the Spring.  We encourage as many folks as possible come out for this.  We sure need the help and it is very rewarding when you see the results.

7/8/2024 - The New Stove Is Here!

The new stove has been delivered, assembled, and put in place.  The gas will be hooked up soon and we'll be back in business!  Thanks to the city maintenance crew that came in and helped us get it uncrated, moved, and assembled.  We could not have done it without you!

7/1/2024 - Slushies!

Perhaps you have already noticed that we now have a new 2-tank slushie machine at the bar!  The flavors and prices wil change so keep an eye out for that info at the bar or, of course, ask the bartender about it.

6/26/2024 - Queen of Hearts Winner!

Congratulations to Tammy Neff on winning our Queen of Hearts jackpot here being presented with the jackpot check by our Post Commander, Nathan Lauderdale!


Come see us to try your luck with the new game, "Find Old Glory"!

5/26/2024 - Centennial Salute Photos

The photos of the Centennial Salute on 5/11/2024 are now available to browse in our  Photo Gallery.


You may also browse them on the photogrpaher's website at Marshall Imagery.


On the photogrpher's site you will be required to enter your name and an email address to access the gallery.  You will also have the opportunity to download images or buy prints of them.

5/13/2024 - New Officers Posted

Your new Officers for 2024 are...


American Legion

  Commander ... Nathan Lauderdale
  1st Vice Commander ... Chris Hart
  2nd Vice Commander & Chaplain ... Terri Sherrow

Adjutant & Finance Officer ... Ray Canada

  Sergeant at Arms ... Howard Whitehead

Post Service Officer & Historian ... Paul Mounts

  Judge Advocate ... CL Watts

Executive Committee ... 

Gary Booten

Lucky Compher

Johnny Merriman


Sons of the American Legion

  Commander ... Joe Routt
  1st Vice Commander ... Michael Bryant
  2nd Vice Commander ... Jeff Serber
  Chaplain ... K T Routt

Adjutant ... Tommy Vanderpool

  Finance Officer ... Steve Kring
  Sergeant at Arms ... Johnny Stivers

Historian ... Mike McLean

4/13/2024 - Vterean Headstones Cleaning - Round 1

A small crew of volunteers headed out to the American Legion Veterans section of Versailles Cemetery to start the far overdue cleanup of Veteran headstones.  It was a somewhat tedious and laborious effort, but it yielded some good results even though we were only able to get rhgouh 3 rows on this trip. 


Another effort will be scheduled in a couple of weeks as we are trying to get as many cleaned up as possible before Memorial Day.


Please keep an eye out for the next working party announcement.  We could sure use all the help we can get!  

4/8/2024 - New Officers Elected

The new Officers for 2024 have been elected and will be installed at the May 13, 2024 monthly meeting.  Congrats to all!


American Legion

  Commander ... Nathan Lauderdale
  1st Vice Commander ... Chris Hart
  2nd Vice Commander & Chaplain ... Terri Sherrow

Adjutant & Finance Officer ... Ray Canada

  Sergeant at Arms ... Howard Whitehead

Post Service Officer & Historian ... Paul Mounts

  Judge Advocate ... CL Watts

Executive Committee ... 

Gary Booten

Lucky Compher

Johnny Merriman


Sons of the American Legion

  Commander ... Joe Routt
  1st Vice Commander ... Michael Bryant
  2nd Vice Commander ... Jeff Serber
  Chaplain ... K T Routt

Adjutant ... Tommy Vanderpool

  Finance Officer ... Steve Kring
  Sergeant at Arms ... Johnny Stivers

Historian ... Mike McLean


2/20/2024 - Pool Table Re-covered!

Check out our pool table!


We have the new cover on and it's ready to go!  Please use our dark blue chalk and watch those masse shots! 


We also had the ball tracks cleaned and the table leveled.

2/16/2024 - New Barstool Seats!

We have new barstool seats!


These new seats are a little thicker, a little deeper, and a lot more comfortable.


Hope you all enjoy them!


2/13/2024 - New Electronic Pulltab Machine!

We had another electronic pulltab machine added to our stable today!  It is the one at the ned closest to the front door.


As you can see the payout kiosk was moved down to the bar end to make room for it.


Have fun!

2/7/2024 - The Pulltab Machine Is In!

It's here!  The new pulltab machine!  It is sitting right next to the juke box.  You Can't miss it!


From this machine you can buy all the pulltabs you like.  If you get a winner, take it to the bar for the payout.


The machine holds 4 games.  To start with we have a 25 cents per card instant win game, a 50 cent per card instant win game, a $1 per card instant win game, and the $1 per card progressive game loaded.   


The MAX button is there to make buying several tabs a bit easier.  For instance, if you want $10 of tabs for a game, you put in your $10 bill, push the MAX buttin, then push the butto for the game you want.  The machine will spit out $10 worth of your selected game tabs for you.


We hope you like using this new machine and having a variety of pulltabs you can play!

1/18/2024 - The New Back Bar Is In!

After many months of planning, bids, and delays the new back bar is in place!


Dean and Chris Lawson of ProMax Construction came in and designed a new support framework which Chris then built so the new counter is fully supported and will not sag again.


The new counter is a single pice over 100 inches made of combined pieces of beautiful 1/2" thisk oak. then stained and sealed.


They also re-faced the closed cabinet, lowered the existing shelves, and added a bit more shelving under that.  This should provide us more functional storage space andhelp us keep the bar less cluttered.


During all this Ray and Howard (mainly Ray) made use of some nearly unused electrical curcuits and ran some new lines with quad outlets above the bar.  This will help us reduce the need for the tangle of extension cords and power strips being used.  There are plans to add more outlets off these lines in the near future so perhaps we can eliminate the extensions completely.


We also added the 2-tier LED-lighted shelves you see in the pic for the liquor bottles.  The one on the left of the register holds our top shelf brands while the one on the right is for top-top shelf brands.


We hope you like it and that it serves us well for many years time to come.


To see pictures of the work in progress, see our Photo Gallery

Regularly scheduled activites and daily specials





General Meetings of the Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary are open to all Post members and are on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.


Upcoming Meetings:

February 10

March 10

April 14



All well drinks

$3 each.



All beer $2 each.


Open to the public


Ladies wine discounts.


Proceeds benefit Post 67's outreach programs.


Drawing at 8 pm.

Tickets $1 ea.


Jackpot is now



 Proceeds benefit Post 67's Scholarship programs.


Drawing at 8:15 pm

Tickets  $1 ea.





for ladies.


Open to the public

Join us for dinner before bingo!

5:30 pm




Proceeds benefit the Ladies Auxiliary programs.


7-9 pm

$20 per 5-game card.



$2 Fireball Shots

8-10 pm



Games are open to all members and their guests during all gaming hours and to the public only during public events.


All games are operated by

Woodford Post 67 in accordance with all Commonwealth of Kentucky Charitable Gaming laws and regulations under license # ORG0001375 and special licenses as needed.


You must be at least 18 years of age to play any game.  Those under 18 cannot buy, open, or cashout pulltabs.


Guests please sign our guest book.

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© American Legion Woodford Post 67