VA Common Forms

Here the most common forms you may need.  Some of these may require other forms based on the type of request and your particular circumstances.  Be sure to read all instructions carefully and, as always, if you need help, use the PSO CONTACT page or call the post at 859-873-7064 to reach your PSO.


INTENT TO FILE  (You can file by phone, online, or on paper.)

This is used to let the VA know you are planning to file a claim for disability, vets or survivors pension, or DIC.  This set your claim effective date as the date you filed your intent instead of when they receive your claim.  This can give you more compensation if any is awarded.  The easiest and fastest way to do this is over the phone by calling the VA at 800-827-1000 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.  You can also complete and mail a form 21-0966.  FInally, some claims, such as the disability claim, can be done online.  If you start an online claim and save it without submitting, this also acts as an Intent to File and sets your effective date on the date your first saved your claim in progress.  For more info, see


DEPENDENTS (Can be filed online or on paper)

This form, 21-686c, is used to add or remove dependents from your status.  This is important as it can affect your benefits amounts.  This form can be completed by mailing the completed for or by completing it online.  Read the form carefully, especially the grey headings that start each section and only complete the parts of the form that apply to you.  For more details, including info on 18-23 year old dependnents still in school and dependent parents, see


DISABILITY  (Can be filed online or on paper)

This form, 51-526EZ, can be done by mailing the completed form or by completing a claim online.  It is suggested you get help completing this form.  For more details, see


Veterans Pension  (Can be filed online or on paper)

This form, 21P-527EZ, can be done by mailing the completed form or by completing a claim online.  It is suggested you get help completing this form.  It is far more involved than a disability claim and note that ALL household income, assets, and expenses, including spouse and all other dependents, must be reported with a few exceptions such as your vehicle and primary home. For more details including pension rates, eligibility, and more, see


Survivors Pension  (Can be filed online or on paper)

This form, 21P-534EZ, can be done by mailing the completed form or by completing a claim online.  Similar to the veterans pension, but for the survivng spouse of a deceased veteran.  Again, it is suggested you get help completing this form.  Like the veterabs pension, it is pretty involved and ALL household income, assets, and expenses, including all other dependents, must be reported with a few exceptions such as your vehicle and primary home. For more details including pension rates, eligibility, and more, see


Veterans Burial Allowance  (Can be filed online or on paper)

This form, 21P-530EZ, can be done by mailing the completed form or by completing a claim online.    If you’re eligible, you may receive benefits for for burial and funeral costs, cost of the plot or interment, andreimbursement for the cost of transporting the Veteran’s remains to the final resting place.  This includes burials of all types including cremation, burial at sea, and benefits for donating the Veteran’s remains to a medical school.  For more details including eligibility, and more, see and also see for info on burials in National Cemeteries, VA-provided headstones, and more.


Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

This is a tax-free benefit is for the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness.  You must complete and mail one of three forms. 

  • Form 21P-534A - for a surviving spouse or child of veteran who died while on active duty.  Your military casualty assistance officer will assist you with this.
  • Form 21P-534EZ - for a surviving spouse or child of a veteran.
  • Form 21P-535 - for a surviving parent.

Get more info on eligibility, compensation ratesm and more at

Regularly scheduled activites and daily specials:





General Meetings of the Legion, SAL, and Auxiliary are open to all Post members and are on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.


Next Meeting:

October 14



All well drinks are $3 each.


All beer is $2 each.



Ladies wine discounts.


Drawing at 8 pm.

Tickets $1 ea.

Jackpot is now



 Drawing at 8:15 pm

Tickets  $1 ea.






for ladies.




7-9 pm

$20 per 5-game card.



$2 Fireball Shots

8-10 pm

American Legion Post 67
138 S Main St
Versailles, Kentucky 40383

Phone: 859 873-7064 859 873-7064


Contact Us

All games are operated by

Woodford Post 67 in accordance with all Commonwealth of Kentucky Charitable Gaming laws and regulations under license # ORG0001375 and special licenses as needed.


Games are open to all members and guests but you must be at least 18 years of age to play.

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© American Legion Woodford Post 67