Find Old Glory

This game's proceeds benefit our Post operations and  outreach programs.


This is a game with a drawing and a game board.  If you ever played "Queen of Hearts", this game is VERY similar.  The game board is always on display in the Post in  the cabinet on the wall  at the kitchen end of the clubroom.




Drawings are held on Wednesdays at 8 pm and is open to the public.  Tickets for the drawing are $1 each.  You can buy tickets any time the Post is open.   If you pre-purchase a ticket be sure to write your name, phone number, and the space on the board you would like to have picked if you win, put the completed half of the ticket in the clear box across from the bar near the guest sign-in sheet. 


You do NOT have to be present to win.   If you buy a ticket on drawing night but cannot stay until the 8 pm drawing, Write the information as above on the ticket and leave it with us.  


This game starts with you buying as many tickets as you wish any time before the drawing.  If the ticket number drawn is called and no one steps up with the winning ticket, then we will contact whomever wrote their info on the back of the ticket.  If there is no info on the back, we will draw another ticket.


If your ticket number is drawn and you are present, you get to pick a number from the game board.  If you are not present, we will pick the number you wrote on the ticket.  In either case, a flag under that number is then revealed.


If "Old Glory" is revealed you win the jackpot.*  If another  flag is revealed you will win a minimum of $30 with additional winnings possible:

  • A Kentucky border State ( IL, IN, MO, OH, TN, VA, or WV)  wins a $30 bonus.
  • A US Armed Forces Flag wins a $40 bonus.
  • The Alaska or Hawaii flag wins a $45 bonus.
  • The Kentucky State flag wins a $50 bonus.


If the jackpot is won that game is over and a new game board will be in play the following week.  Otherwise, the jackpot is raised each by how much money was raised from ticket sales minus whatever was won.  For instance, if 300 tickets are sold and $30 was won on Wednesday night, that jackpot will be increased by $270.00 for the next week.


If you win the jackpot and you are present at the drawing you win 70% of the jackpot.  If you are not present at the drawing you will win 50% of the jackpot.  The remainder of the jackpot goes to the Post.  We are required by law to withhold State and Federal taxes for any winnings over $599.00 and all winners will receive a check for their winnings per State charitable gaming regulations.



Bring your friends! 

The more that play,

the faster the jackpot goes up!



All games are operated by Woodford Post 67 in accordance with all Commonwealth of Kentucky Charitable Gaming laws and regulations under license # ORG0001375 and special licenses as needed.

Service Officer Open Hours

4th Thursdays, 1-5 pm

Woodford County Library

Downtown Versailles

2nd floor study rooms

Bring DD-214 and any VA forms, letters, etc.; sent or recedived.


Next Date:  Feb 27, 2025

Service Officer Info



All well drinks

$3 each.



All beer $2 each.


Open to the public


Ladies wine discounts.


Proceeds benefit Post 67's outreach programs.


Drawing at 8 pm.

Tickets $1 ea.


Jackpot is now



 Proceeds benefit Post 67's Scholarship programs.


Drawing at 8:15 pm

Tickets  $1 ea.





for ladies.


Open to the public

Join us for dinner before bingo!

5:30 pm




Proceeds benefit the Ladies Auxiliary programs.


7-9 pm

$20 per 5-game card.



$2 Fireball Shots

8-10 pm



Games are open to all members and their guests during all gaming hours and to the public only during public events.


All games are operated by

Woodford Post 67 in accordance with all Commonwealth of Kentucky Charitable Gaming laws and regulations under license # ORG0001375 and special licenses as needed.


You must be at least 18 years of age to play any game.  Those under 18 cannot buy, open, or cashout pulltabs.


Guests please sign our guest book.

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© American Legion Woodford Post 67