About The Legion

The American Legion was formed in Paris, France, immediately after World War I in 1919 by a cadre of officers who had fought in that war.  They saw that the Veterans were going to need a lot of help after the war and that an organization was needed to represent Veterans' needs to Congress for action.


Since its beginning, The Legion has had what is called "The Four Pillars" which define what the Legion is all about. Those Four Pillars are:

  • Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
  • National Security
  • Americanism
  • Children & Youth


The Legion is run from a National headquarters which sets a baseline for all Legion operations.  Below that are "Departments".  Each State is a Department as well as a few foreign countries.  Within each Department are "Districts" which carves the Department up into diffferent areas and, finally, are the local Posts.  Other than the policies and directives set down by the higher levels, each Post is largely autonomous and sets many of their own rules for operation including operating hours, whether they want to serve alcohol, and so on.  They are responsible for following all applicable federal, state, and local laws in their operations.


The modern Legion has expanded far beyond the early beginnings and is now the largest American Veteran orgnization with the greatest influence over Congress for getting action to help care for our fellow Veterans.  The Legion was the driving force behind establishing the Department of Veterans Affairs and in driving their changes such as covering Agent Orange effects and the recently enacted PACT Act.


We have also expanded from the original Legion to three additional organizations; the Sons of the American Legion (SAL), The American Legion Auxiliary, and the Legion Riders MC.  There is no Legion Riders chapter at Woodford Post 67. 


Within the four organizations are a multitude of programs to support the Four Pillars including Boys and Girls States, Legion Baseball, the Legion Oratorical program as well as a variety of Veterans and Community services, outreach and an untold number of programs, large and small, created by the individual Posts.


For even more info, check out the American Legion Site.


If you are a legionnaire and want to learn more about the Legion, go the the link below and enroll in the American Legion Basic Course:



Membership in the Legion is open to all active duty military and all Veterans who have served at least 1 day and received an honorable discharge, to include the National Guard, since December 7, 1941.  There is no wartime or combat experience required. 


The SAL and  Auxiliary have their own membership requirements and dues.  See their tab above or contact one of their officers for details.



If you are interested in joining the Legion or transferring to our Post, please see our Memberships and Transfers Page

Service Officer Open Hours

4th Thursdays, 1-5 pm

Woodford County Library

Downtown Versailles

2nd floor study rooms

Bring DD-214 and any VA forms, letters, etc.; sent or recedived.


Next Date:  Feb 27, 2025

Service Officer Info



All well drinks

$3 each.



All beer $2 each.


Open to the public


Ladies wine discounts.


Proceeds benefit Post 67's outreach programs.


Drawing at 8 pm.

Tickets $1 ea.


Jackpot is now



 Proceeds benefit Post 67's Scholarship programs.


Drawing at 8:15 pm

Tickets  $1 ea.





for ladies.


Open to the public

Join us for dinner before bingo!

5:30 pm




Proceeds benefit the Ladies Auxiliary programs.


7-9 pm

$20 per 5-game card.



$2 Fireball Shots

8-10 pm



Games are open to all members and their guests during all gaming hours and to the public only during public events.


All games are operated by

Woodford Post 67 in accordance with all Commonwealth of Kentucky Charitable Gaming laws and regulations under license # ORG0001375 and special licenses as needed.


You must be at least 18 years of age to play any game.  Those under 18 cannot buy, open, or cashout pulltabs.


Guests please sign our guest book.

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© American Legion Woodford Post 67