Community outreach and assistance is a fundamental function of the American Legion. Woodford Post 67 may be small in square footage, but we are doing all we can
to make a positive difference for Veterans and all of the citizens of Woodford County.
Below is a list of those to whom we have made monetary donations or provided other assistance over the course of the current year in addition to our own regular
events and activites.
See the right sidebar for out outreach in previous years.
- American Legion Riders Post 313 for Camp Nelson Honor Guard
- City of Versailles
- Direct Assistance
- Distinguished Young Women
- Fisher House, Lexington
- Hope Center
- International Rope Rescue Competition Participants
- Jack Jouett House
- Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs
- Kentucky Organ Donor Assoc.
- Military Missions
- Scholarships
- Sons of the Legion, Woodford Post Squadron 67
- St. Leo's Catholic Church
- VAMC Lexington CDCE
- Versailles Fire Department Golf 4 Kids
- Woodford County Courthouse
- Woodford County Fair Disc Golf Assoc.
- Woodford County HS Band Boosters
- Woodford County Project Graduation
- Woodford county Sheriff
- Woodford County Sheriff Boys and Girls Ranch
- Woodford County Youth Baseball Association
- Woodford Humane Society
- Woodford Post 67 Ladies Auxiliary
- Woodford Post 67 Sons of the American Legion
2024 Total to date ... $51,070.50*
* Does not include post
member volunteer time, Post events. or in-kind gifts and donations such as flags, flag cases, flowers,